Solar Dividends News

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  • Solar Dividends Webinar
  • Solar Dividends Webinar

    Join us on July 17 for a one-hour webinar on Solar Dividends. Learn how solar energy can be used to generate sustainable revenue to pay for guaranteed basic incomes. Robert Stayton and the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation will describe how and why solar is the best source of funding for permanent basic incomes. Use the…

    Read more: Solar Dividends Webinar

Recent Posts

  • Basic Income Regenerates Life

    Basic Income Regenerates Life

    In this short video, Dylan shares his story of the impact a basic income had on his life so far. Dylan was part of the pilot program run by Basic Income Works, and they collected first-person stories to educate the public on how beneficial basic income programs are.

  • Poverty disrupter Aisha Nyandoro on basic incomes

    Poverty disrupter Aisha Nyandoro on basic incomes

    In this inspiring TedTalk, Aisha Nyandoro describes the power of cash and the freedom it gives the women the Magnolia Mothers Trust basic income project.

  • Use distribution, not redistribution, for basic incomes

    Use distribution, not redistribution, for basic incomes

    The numerous basic income pilot programs around the world are demonstrating the many good effects of using a basic income to lift people out of poverty. But these pilot programs face a daunting task to convert their temporary programs into permanent ones. That’s because the cost of basic income programs is high. Conventional wisdom says…

  • Financing Basic Incomes

    Financing Basic Incomes

    An excellent source of information about how to finance guaranteed basic income programs has been released. Financing Basic Income: A Dual Income Proposal covers a wide variety of financing options that governments can pursue. This second edition proposes setting people up with two basic incomes. The first is a GAI or GLI (Guaranteed Annual Income/Guaranteed…

  • Starting a Basic Income Pilot Program

    Starting a Basic Income Pilot Program

    A new guidebook on how local governments can start a guaranteed basic income has been published. Basic Income and Local Government; A Guide to Municipal Pilots is a joint publication of the Stanford Basic Income Lab, the National League of Cities, and the Guaranteed Income Community of Practice. Written by Sean Kline, Associate Director of…

  • Radical Climate Justice for the Global Commons

    Radical Climate Justice for the Global Commons

    Robert Stayton presented his Solar Dividends model at the virtual conference Radical Climate Justice for the Global Commons, which took place October 4 through 25, 2021. The conference was sponsored by The Environmental & Climate Justice Studies Digital Hub, which is part of The Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies at the University of…