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  • Basic Income Regenerates Life
  • Basic Income Regenerates Life

    In this short video, Dylan shares his story of the impact a basic income had on his life so far. Dylan was part of the pilot program run by Basic Income Works, and they collected first-person stories to educate the public on how beneficial basic income programs are.

    Read more: Basic Income Regenerates Life

Recent Posts

  • Should we spend or invest our fossil fuel inheritance?

    In many ways, fossil fuels resemble an inheritance for the human race. We did nothing to create fossil fuels, yet we enjoy the vast benefits and wealth they generate. Nature produced fossil fuels from plants that stored sunlight energy millions of years ago, plants that did not fully decay but were condensed into coal, oil,…

  • End Poverty in California with Solar (EPICS)

    The Sustainable Systems Research Foundation is initiating a program to develop Solar Dividends in California. The program is titled End Poverty in California with Solar (EPICS). EPICS is a program designed to provide, by 2060, every individual in California with 10 kilowatts of installed solar photovoltaic panels and a monthly basic income, from birth to…

  • Energy is the foundation of any economy

    What is the foundation of any economy? If you think it’s money, think again. It’s energy. Money is just a medium of exchange, but energy is what makes things go. Every economic activity requires energy. Energy in the form of gasoline and diesel moves goods locally and around the world. Energy in the form of…

  • PV is the steam engine of the Solar Age

    Just as the steam engine enabled the Fossil Fuel Age, so will photovoltaics (PV) enable the Solar Age. The Industrial Revolution began with the automation of cloth making. Richard Arkwright patented his water frame thread-spinning machine in 1768. He called it a water frame because it combined a waterwheel for power and a frame to…

  • Sustainability Now! Radio Interview

    Robert Stayton was interviewed on the Sustainability Now! radio show on Sunday, December 15, 2019. Host Ronnie Lipshutz is a Professor of Politics at the University of California Santa Cruz, former Provost of Rachel Carson College at UCSC, and founder of the nonprofit Sustainability Systems Research Foundation. His biweekly radio show Sustainability Now! covers political…

  • Solar Dividends is “visionary”—Foreword Reviews

    Solar Dividends is “visionary”—Foreword Reviews

    This is visionary work This unique and fascinating proposal is explained in clear terms. Built upon research and nuance, Solar Dividends is a powerful, valuable proposal for tackling energy and resource scarcity, pollution, income inequality, and environmental stresses. RACHEL JAGARESKI, Foreword Reviews [The excerpts above are from the new review of Solar Dividends by Foreword…