End Poverty in California with Solar (EPICS)

The Sustainable Systems Research Foundation is initiating a program to develop Solar Dividends in California. The program is titled End Poverty in California with Solar (EPICS). EPICS is a program designed to provide, by 2060, every individual in California with 10 kilowatts of installed solar photovoltaic panels and a monthly basic income, from birth to death and regardless of wealth and income, through the sale of the generated electricity. This is to be achieved by, first, giving every Californian with a share in the California Solar Energy Commons, linked to the total solar energy falling on the state; second, by assigning a 10kW solar photovoltaic array to every individual resident, from which sale of electricity will provide a basic income of $1,000 per month.

For more information, see End Poverty in California with Solar.

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