Solar Dividends News

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  • Solar Dividends Webinar
  • Solar Dividends Webinar

    On July 17, we hosted a one-hour webinar on Solar Dividends. Listeners learned how solar energy can be used to generate sustainable revenue to pay for guaranteed basic incomes. Robert Stayton and the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation described how and why solar is the best source of funding for permanent basic incomes. I you missed…

    Read more: Solar Dividends Webinar

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  • Solar Dividends Book Released.

    Solar Dividends Book Released.

    Author Robert Stayton and Sandstone Publishing are proud to announce the release of his new book Solar Dividends: How Solar Energy Can Generate a Basic Income For Everyone on Earth. This breakthrough book describes how we can use solar energy to generate a minimum basic income for everyone on the planet. “I believe this is…