Solar Dividends News

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  • Solar Dividends Webinar
  • Solar Dividends Webinar

    Join us on July 17 for a one-hour webinar on Solar Dividends. Learn how solar energy can be used to generate sustainable revenue to pay for guaranteed basic incomes. Robert Stayton and the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation will describe how and why solar is the best source of funding for permanent basic incomes. Use the…

    Read more: Solar Dividends Webinar

Recent Posts

  • The Basic Income Podcast discusses Solar Dividends

    Author Robert Stayton was interviewed on the The Basic Income Podcast on September 16, 2019. Hosts Jim Pugh and Owen Poindexter asked him about his new book Solar Dividends in a podcast titled “Robert Stayton: Could Solar Dividends Provide a Basic Income?” After the interview Jim and Owen discussed the idea of funding basic incomes…

  • Solar Dividends: The Basic Idea explained in 3 Minutes

    Author Robert Stayton explains the basic idea of Solar Dividends at an informal book party, September 22, 2019.

  • Stop throwing fuel on the fire

    If we are going to stop the fire of global warming, it is vital that we  STOP THROWING FUEL ON THE FIRE!  The following devastating fact is taken from my new book Solar Dividends: “At a time when we should be cutting back on fossil fuels, the US paid $649 billion in direct and indirect…

  • Five Star review from Readers’ Favorite

    Five Star review from Readers’ Favorite

    The Readers’ Favorite book review site gave Solar Dividends a Five Star review, their highest rating. “Overall, Solar Dividends is an essential read to open the audience’s mind to new possibilities about changing the fate of our ailing planet and is highly recommended for its hopeful and practical vision of a better tomorrow.” Read the…

  • Radio Interview on KSQD

    Radio Interview on KSQD

    Robert Stayton was interviewed about his new book Solar Dividends on KSQD radio in Santa Cruz. He explains the origin of his idea of using solar energy for universal basic incomes and how we might bring it about.  You can listen to the entire 39 minute interview here. Interviewed on September 19, 2019 by Rachel…

  • RECOMMENDED by US Review of Books

    RECOMMENDED by US Review of Books

    The book review site US Review of Books has given Solar Dividends its RECOMMENDED rating (their highest). The reviewer concludes the review with: “Stayton’s thought-provoking, well-researched work has the power to draw the attention of anyone, of whatever political persuasion, who is seriously interested in global energy issues and their implications for our future.” They…